Tour of Heroes app and tutorial
In this tutorial, you build your own app from the ground up, providing experience with the typical development process, as well as an introduction to basic app-design concepts, tools, and terminology.
如果你对 Angular 还不熟悉,你可能要先试一试 快速上手应用。它基于一个现成的、已部分完成的项目,你可以在 StacBlitz 的交互式开发环境中检查和修改,你还可以在那里实时查看结果。
If you're completely new to Angular, you might want to try the Try it now quick-start app first. It is based on a ready-made partially-completed project, which you can examine and modify in the StacBlitz interactive development environment, where you can see the results in real time.
“试一试”教程遵循最新的最佳实践,以简明的格式,涵盖了与其相同的主要话题 - 组件、模板语法、路由、服务,以及通过 HTTP 访问数据。
The "Try it" tutorial covers the same major topics—components, template syntax, routing, services, and accessing data via HTTP—in a condensed format, following the most current best practices.
这个“英雄指南”教程向你展示了如何使用 Angular CLI 工具搭建本地开发环境并开发应用,还对 Angular CLI 工具 的基础知识进行了介绍。
This Tour of Heroes tutorial shows you how to set up your local development environment and develop an app using the Angular CLI tool, and provides an introduction to the fundamentals of Angular.
The Tour of Heroes app that you build helps a staffing agency manage its stable of heroes. The app has many of the features you'd expect to find in any data-driven application. The finished app acquires and displays a list of heroes, edits a selected hero's detail, and navigates among different views of heroic data.
你会在这份 Angular 文档中用到的很多个例子中找到对此应用领域的引用和扩展,但是你并不一定非要通过这个教程来理解这些例子。
You will find references to and expansions of this app domain in many of the examples used throughout the Angular documentation, but you don't necessarily need to work through this tutorial to understand those examples.
By the end of this tutorial you will be able to do the following:
使用 Angular 的内置指令来显示 / 隐藏元素,并显示英雄数据的列表。
Use built-in Angular directives to show and hide elements and display lists of hero data.
创建 Angular 组件以显示英雄的详情,并显示一个英雄数组。
Create Angular components to display hero details and show an array of heroes.
Use one-way data binding for read-only data.
Add editable fields to update a model with two-way data binding.
Bind component methods to user events, like keystrokes and clicks.
Enable users to select a hero from a master list and edit that hero in the details view.
Format data with pipes.
Create a shared service to assemble the heroes.
Use routing to navigate among different views and their components.
你将学到足够的 Angular 知识,并确信 Angular 确实能提供你所需的支持。
You'll learn enough Angular to get started and gain confidence that Angular can do whatever you need it to do.
After completing all tutorial steps, the final app will look like this:
What you'll build
Here's a visual idea of where this tutorial leads, beginning with the "Dashboard" view and the most heroic heroes:

仪表盘顶部中有两个链接:“Dashboard(仪表盘)”和“Heroes(英雄列表)”。 你将点击它们在“仪表盘”和“英雄列表”视图之间导航。
You can click the two links above the dashboard ("Dashboard" and "Heroes") to navigate between this Dashboard view and a Heroes view.
If you click the dashboard hero "Magneta," the router opens a "Hero Details" view where you can change the hero's name.

点击“Back(后退)”按钮将返回到“Dashboard(仪表盘)”。 顶部的链接可以把你带到任何一个主视图。 如果你点击“Heroes(英雄列表)”链接,应用将把你带到“英雄”列表主视图。
Clicking the "Back" button returns you to the Dashboard. Links at the top take you to either of the main views. If you click "Heroes," the app displays the "Heroes" master list view.

When you click a different hero name, the read-only mini detail beneath the list reflects the new choice.
你可以点击“View Details(查看详情)”按钮进入所选英雄的编辑视图。
You can click the "View Details" button to drill into the editable details of the selected hero.
The following diagram captures all of the navigation options.

Here's the app in action: