弃用的 API 和特性
Deprecated APIs and features
Angular 力图兼顾创新与稳定。但有时,API 和特性已经过时,需要进行删除或替换,以便 Angular 可以及时跟上新的最佳实践、依赖项变更或者 Web 平台自身的变化。
Angular strives to balance innovation and stability. Sometimes, APIs and features become obsolete and need to be removed or replaced so that Angular can stay current with new best practices, changing dependencies, or changes in the (web) platform itself.
为了让这些转换变得尽可能简单,我们会在删除 API 和特性之前先弃用它们一段时间。让你有时间把应用更新到最新的 API 和最佳实践。
To make these transitions as easy as possible, we deprecate APIs and features for a period of time before removing them. This gives you time to update your apps to the latest APIs and best practices.
本指南包含了当前不推荐使用的所有 Angular API 和特性的汇总表。
This guide contains a summary of all Angular APIs and features that are currently deprecated.
v6 或更早版本中已弃用的特性和 API 将会在版本 9 或更高级版本中删除。要了解 Angular 中关于弃用和删除的实践,参见Angular 发布实践。
Features and APIs that were deprecated in v6 or earlier are candidates for removal in version 9 or any later major version. For information about Angular's deprecation and removal practices, see Angular Release Practices.
有关如何更新到最新 Angular 版本的分步说明,参见 update.angular.io 上的交互式更新指南。
For step-by-step instructions on how to update to the latest Angular release, use the interactive update guide at update.angular.io.
为了帮助你确保应用程序的前瞻性,下表列出了所有已弃用的 API 和功能,这些 API 和功能按发行版进行组织,它们将被删除。每个条目都链接到本指南后面的部分,该部分描述了弃用原因和替换选项。
To help you future-proof your apps, the following table lists all deprecated APIs and features, organized by the release in which they are candidates for removal. Each item is linked to the section later in this guide that describes the deprecation reason and replacement options.
区域 Area | API 或特性 API or Feature | 可能会在什么时候移除 May be removed in |
@angular/bazel | Bazel builder and schematics | v10 |
@angular/common | ReflectiveInjector | v11 |
@angular/common | CurrencyPipe - DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE | v11 |
@angular/core | CollectionChangeRecord | v11 |
@angular/core | DefaultIterableDiffer | v11 |
@angular/core | ReflectiveKey | v11 |
@angular/core | RenderComponentType | v11 |
@angular/core | ViewEncapsulation.Native | v11 |
@angular/core | WrappedValue | v12 |
@angular/forms | v11 v11 | |
@angular/router | preserveQueryParams | v11 |
@angular/upgrade | @angular/upgrade | v11 |
@angular/upgrade | getAngularLib | v11 |
@angular/upgrade | setAngularLib | v11 |
@angular/platform-webworker | v11 v11 | |
模板语法 template syntax | v11 v11 | |
腻子脚本 polyfills | reflect-metadata | v11 v11 |
npm 软件包格式 npm package format | v11 | |
@angular/core | defineInjectable | v11 |
@angular/core | entryComponents | v11 |
@angular/core | ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS | v11 |
@angular/router | v11 | |
@angular/core/testing | TestBed.get | v12 |
@angular/router | 未定 unspecified | |
模板语法 template syntax | 未定 unspecified | |
浏览器支持 browser support | v11 |
要了解 Angular CDK 和 Angular Material 的弃用情况,参见变更记录。
For information about Angular CDK and Angular Material deprecations, see the changelog.
已弃用的 API
Deprecated APIs
本节包含所有当前已弃用的 API 的完整列表,其中包含一些可帮助你规划如何迁移到其替代品的详细信息。
This section contains a complete list all of the currently-deprecated APIs, with details to help you plan your migration to a replacement.
提示:在本文档站的 API 参考手册部分,不推荐使用的 API 会用删除线标记出来。你可以按状态: 已弃用来过滤 API 列表。
Tip: In the API reference section of this doc site, deprecated APIs are indicated by strikethrough. You can filter the API list by Status: deprecated.
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
CurrencyPipe - DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE | {provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'} | v9 | 从 v11 开始,默认代码将从由 From v11 the default code will be extracted from the locale data given by |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
CollectionChangeRecord | IterableChangeRecord | v4 | 无 none |
DefaultIterableDiffer | 不适用 n/a | v4 | 不属于公共 API。 Not part of public API. |
ReflectiveInjector | Injector.create | v5 | |
ReflectiveKey | 无 none | v5 | 无 none |
ViewEncapsulation.Native | ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom | v6 | 使用渲染器的原生封装机制。参见 view.ts。 Use the native encapsulation mechanism of the renderer. See view.ts. |
defineInjectable | ɵɵdefineInjectable | v8 | 仅在生成的代码中使用。任何源代码都不应依赖此 API。 Used only in generated code. No source code should depend on this API. |
entryComponents | 无 none | v9 | See |
WrappedValue | 无 none | v10 |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
TestBed.get | TestBed.inject | v9 | 行为相同,但类型安全。 Same behavior, but type safe. |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
v6 | 无 none |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
preserveQueryParams | queryParamsHandling | v4 | 无 none |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
@angular/upgrade/static | v5 |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
无 none | v8 | See platform-webworker. |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
@angular/upgrade/static | v5 | 参见 从 AngularJS 升级。 |
API | 替代品 Replacement | 宣布弃用 Deprecation announced | 备注 Notes |
getAngularLib | getAngularJSGlobal | v5 | |
setAngularLib | setAngularJSGlobal | v5 |
Deprecated features
本节列出了所有当前已弃用的特性,包括模板语法、配置选项,以及前面已弃用的 API 部分未列出的其它弃用。它还包括已弃用的 API 用例或 API 组合,以增强上述信息。
This section lists all of the currently-deprecated features, which includes template syntax, configuration options, and any other deprecations not listed in the Deprecated APIs section above. It also includes deprecated API usage scenarios or API combinations, to augment the information above.
Bazel 构建器及其原理图
Bazel builder and schematics
Bazel 构建器及其原理图曾经被引入到 Angular Labs 中,以便让用户尝试 Bazel,而不用管理 Bazel 的版本和 BUILD 文件。 该特性已经弃用了。欲知详情,参见迁移文档。
Bazel builder and schematics were introduced in Angular Labs to let users try out Bazel without having to manage Bazel version and BUILD files. This feature has been deprecated. For more information, please refer to the migration doc.
Web 跟踪框架集成
Web Tracing Framework integration
Angular 以前支持与 Web 跟踪框架(WTF)集成,用于 Angular 应用程序的性能测试。此集成已经停止维护并失效。因此,该集成在 Angular 版本 8 中被弃用,并且由于没有证据表明在版本 9 中删除了任何现有用法。
Angular previously has supported an integration with the Web Tracing Framework (WTF) for performance testing of Angular applications. This integration has not been maintained and defunct. As a result, the integration was deprecated in Angular version 8 and due to no evidence of any existing usage removed in version 9.
和 :ng-deep
, >>>
and :ng-deep
component style selectors
刺穿 Shadow DOM 的 CSS 组合符已经弃用,并且主要的浏览器和工具都已删除它。因此,在 v4 中,Angular 也弃用了对 /deep/
和 ::ng-deep
的支持。在彻底删除它之前,我们首选 ::ng-deep
The shadow-dom-piercing descendant combinator is deprecated and support is being removed from major browsers and tools. As such, in v4 we deprecated support in Angular for all 3 of /deep/
, >>>
and ::ng-deep
. Until removal, ::ng-deep
is preferred for broader compatibility with the tools.
欲知详情,参阅“组件样式”一章中的 /deep/,>>> 和 :: ng-deep。
For more information, see /deep/, >>>, and ::ng-deep in the Component Styles guide.
<template> tag
标签在 v4 中已经弃用,以消除和 DOM 中同名元素的冲突(比如在使用 Web Components 时)。请用 <ng-template>
The <template>
tag was deprecated in v4 to avoid colliding with the DOM's element of the same name (such as when using web components). Use <ng-template>
instead. For more information, see the Ahead-of-Time Compilation guide.
和响应式表单一起使用 ngModel
ngModel with reactive forms
对于和响应式表单指令一起使用输入属性 ngModel
和事件 ngModelChange
的支持已经在 Angular 6 中弃用,并且会在未来的 Angular 版本中移除。
Support for using the ngModel
input property and ngModelChange
event with reactive form directives has been deprecated in Angular v6 and will be removed in a future version of Angular.
Now deprecated:
<input [formControl]="control" [(ngModel)]="value">
this.value = 'some value';
这种弃用有一系列理由。 首先,开发人员会对这种模式感到困惑。它看起来像是在使用 ngModel
指令,但实际上它是响应式表单指令上一个名叫 ngModel
的输入输出属性。它和 ngModel 指令的行为很相似,但又不完全一样。 它运行读取或设置一个值,并且拦截该值的事件,但是 ngModel
的其它特性,比如通过 ngModelOptions
This has been deprecated for several reasons. First, developers have found this pattern confusing. It seems like the actual ngModel
directive is being used, but in fact it's an input/output property named ngModel
on the reactive form directive that approximates some, but not all, of the directive's behavior. It allows getting and setting a value and intercepting value events, but some of ngModel
's other features, such as delaying updates with ngModelOptions
or exporting the directive, don't work.
另外,该模式混用了模板驱动和响应式这两种表单策略,这会妨碍我们获取任何一种策略的全部优点。 在模板中设置值的方式,违反了响应式表单所遵循的“模板无关”原则;反之,在类中添加 FormControl
In addition, this pattern mixes template-driven and reactive forms strategies, which prevents taking advantage of the full benefits of either strategy. Setting the value in the template violates the template-agnostic principles behind reactive forms, whereas adding a FormControl
layer in the class removes the convenience of defining forms in the template.
To update your code before support is removed, you'll want to decide whether to stick with reactive form directives (and get/set values using reactive forms patterns) or switch over to template-driven directives.
改后(选择 1 - 使用响应式表单):
After (choice 1 - use reactive forms):
<input [formControl]="control">
this.control.setValue('some value');
改后(选择 2 - 使用模板驱动表单):
After (choice 2 - use template-driven forms):
<input [(ngModel)]="value">
this.value = 'some value';
默认情况下,当使用这种模式时,你会在开发模式下看到一个弃用警告。你可以通过在导入 ReactiveFormsModule
By default, when you use this pattern, you will see a deprecation warning once in dev mode. You can choose to silence this warning by providing a config for ReactiveFormsModule
at import time:
imports: [
ReactiveFormsModule.withConfig({warnOnNgModelWithFormControl: 'never'});
另外,你可以选择针对使用此模式的每个实例来使用配置值 "always"
Alternatively, you can choose to surface a separate warning for each instance of this pattern with a config value of "always"
. This may help to track down where in the code the pattern is being used as the code is being updated.
在 v5 中,Angular 用 StaticInjector
代替了 ReflectiveInjector
。该注入器不再需要 Reflect 的腻子脚本,对大部分开发人员来说都显著减小了应用的体积。
In v5, Angular replaced the ReflectiveInjector
with the StaticInjector
. The injector no longer requires the Reflect polyfill, reducing application size for most developers.
loadChildren 字符串语法
loadChildren string syntax
当 Angular 第一次引入惰性路由时,还没有浏览器能支持动态加载额外的 JavaScript。因此 Angular 创建了自己的方案,所用的语法是 loadChildren: './lazy/lazy.module#LazyModule'
并且还构建了一些工具来支持它。现在,很多浏览器都已支持 ECMAScript 的动态导入,Angular 也正朝着这个新语法前进。
When Angular first introduced lazy routes, there wasn't browser support for dynamically loading additional JavaScript. Angular created our own scheme using the syntax loadChildren: './lazy/lazy.module#LazyModule'
and built tooling to support it. Now that ECMAScript dynamic import is supported in many browsers, Angular is moving toward this new syntax.
在第 8 版中,不推荐使用 loadChildren
支持使用基于 import()
In version 8, the string syntax for the loadChildren
route specification was deprecated, in favor of new syntax that uses import()
const routes: Routes = [{
path: 'lazy',
// The following string syntax for loadChildren is deprecated
loadChildren: './lazy/lazy.module#LazyModule'
const routes: Routes = [{
path: 'lazy',
// The new import() syntax
loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule)
版本 8 更新:当你升级到版本 8 时,ng update
命令会自动执行转换。在版本 7 之前,import()
语法只能在 JIT 模式下运行(和视图引擎一起)。
Version 8 update: When you update to version 8, the ng update
command performs the transformation automatically. Prior to version 7, the import()
syntax only works in JIT mode (with view engine).
声明语法:遵循路由声明语法 loadChildren: () => import('...').then(m => m.ModuleName)
是很重要的,这样 ngc
才能发现这个惰性加载模块及其相关的 NgModule
。你可以在这里找到受支持的语法的完整列表。在 Ivy 发布后会放松这种限制,因为 Ivy 不再用 NgFactories
Declaration syntax: It's important to follow the route declaration syntax loadChildren: () => import('...').then(m => m.ModuleName)
to allow ngc
to discover the lazy-loaded module and the associated NgModule
. You can find the complete list of allowed syntax constructs here. These restrictions will be relaxed with the release of Ivy since it'll no longer use NgFactories
ActivatedRoute 的 params 和 queryParams 属性
ActivatedRoute params and queryParams properties
ActivatedRoute 包含两个属性,它们的能力低于它们的替代品,在将来的 Angular 版本中可能会弃用。
ActivatedRoute contains two properties that are less capable than their replacements and may be deprecated in a future Angular version.
属性 Property | 替代品 Replacement |
params | paramMap |
queryParams | queryParamMap |
For more information see the Getting route information section of the Router guide.
在 JIT 模式下对 reflect-metadata 腻子脚本的依赖
Dependency on a reflect-metadata polyfill in JIT mode
Angular 应用程序,特别是依赖于 JIT 编译器的应用程序,过去常常需要 reflect-metadata API 的腻子脚本。
Angular applications, and specifically applications that relied on the JIT compiler, used to require a polyfill for the reflect-metadata APIs.
在 Angular 8.0 版中不再需要这种 polyfill(参见#14473 ),从而使大多数 Angular 应用程序中都不需要使用这个腻子脚本。因为这个腻子脚本可能由第三方库依赖,所以没有从所有 Angular 项目中删除它,所以我们不建议从 8.0 版本开始再使用这个腻子脚本。这应该能给库作者和应用程序开发人员足够的时间来评估他们是否需要这个腻子脚本,并执行必要的重构以消除对它的依赖。
The need for this polyfill was removed in Angular version 8.0 (see #14473), rendering the presence of the poylfill in most Angular applications unnecessary. Because the polyfill can be depended on by 3rd-party libraries, instead of removing it from all Angular projects, we are deprecating the requirement for this polyfill as of version 8.0. This should give library authors and application developers sufficient time to evaluate if they need the polyfill, and perform any refactoring necessary to remove the dependency on it.
在典型的 Angular 项目中,这个腻子脚本不用于生产版本,因此删除它不会影响生产环境的应用程序。删除它是为了从整体上上简化构建设置并减少外部依赖项的数量。
In a typical Angular project, the polyfill is not used in production builds, so removing it should not impact production applications. The goal behind this removal is overall simplification of the build setup and decrease in the number of external dependencies.
把 @ViewChild()
/ @ContentChild()
/ @ContentChild()
static resolution as the default
See the dedicated migration guide for static queries.
/ @Input()
/ @Input()
used together
The following pattern is deprecated:
@Input() @ContentChild(TemplateRef) tpl !: TemplateRef<any>;
Rather than using this pattern, separate the two decorators into their own properties and add fallback logic as in the following example:
@Input() tpl !: TemplateRef<any>;
@ContentChild(TemplateRef) inlineTemplate !: TemplateRef<any>;
Cannot assign to template variables
在下面的示例中,双向绑定意味着在 valueChange
事件触发时应该写入 optionName
In the following example, the two-way binding means that optionName
should be written when the valueChange
event fires.
<option *ngFor="let optionName of options" [(value)]="optionName"></option>
但实际上,Angular 只是忽略了对模板变量的双向绑定。从版本 8 开始,试图写入模板变量已弃用。在将来的版本中,我们将不支持这种写操作。
However, in practice, Angular simply ignores two-way bindings to template variables. Starting in version 8, attempting to write to template variables is deprecated. In a future version, we will throw to indicate that the write is not supported.
<option *ngFor="let optionName of options" [value]="optionName"></option>
在 platform-server
中绑定到 innerText
Binding to innerText
in platform-server
在服务器端渲染中使用的 Domino 不支持 innerText
,因此在平台服务器中的 “domino 适配器”中,如果尝试绑定到 innerText
,则有一些特殊代码可以退回到 textContent
Domino, which is used in server-side rendering, doesn't support innerText
, so in platform-server's "domino adapter", there was special code to fall back to textContent
if you tried to bind to innerText
这两个属性有细微的差异,切换到 textContent
可能会让用户感到惊讶。因此,我们弃用了此行为。展望未来,用户应该在使用 Domino 时显式绑定到 textContent
These two properties have subtle differences, so switching to textContent
under the hood can be surprising to users. For this reason, we are deprecating this behavior. Going forward, users should explicitly bind to textContent
when using Domino.
和所有 wtf*
and all wtf*
所有 wtf*
API 均已弃用,并将在以后的版本中删除。
All of the wtf*
APIs are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
在 Platform-Webworker 中运行 Angular 应用程序
Running Angular applications in platform-webworker
软件包使 Angular 可以在不同的上下文中运行。例如,@angular/platform-server
使 Angular 可以在服务器上运行,而 @angular/platform-browser
使 Angular 可以在 Web 浏览器中运行。
The @angular/platform-*
packages enable Angular to be run in different contexts. For examples, @angular/platform-server
enables Angular to be run on the server, and @angular/platform-browser
enables Angular to be run in a web browser.
是在 Angular 版本 2 中引入的,@angular/platform-webworker
是利用 Angular 的渲染体系结构在 Web Worker 中运行整个 Web 应用程序的实验。我们从这个实验中学到了很多,得出的结论是,对于大多数应用程序来说,在 Web Worker 中运行整个应用程序不是最佳策略。
was introduced in Angular version 2 as an experiment in leveraging Angular's rendering architecture to run an entire web application in a web worker. We've learned a lot from this experiment and have come to the conclusion that running the entire application in a web worker is not the best strategy for most applications.
展望未来,我们将专注于与 Web Worker 相关的工作,围绕它们的主要用例来分担初始渲染所需的 CPU 密集型非关键工作(例如内存中搜索和图像处理)。在 Angular CLI 中使用 Web Worker 指南中了解更多信息。
Going forward, we will focus our efforts related to web workers around their primary use case of offloading CPU-intensive, non-critical work needed for initial rendering (such as in-memory search and image processing). Learn more in the guide to Using Web Workers with the Angular CLI.
从 Angular 8 版开始,所有 platform-webworker
API 均已弃用。这包括两个软件包:@angular/platform-webworker
和 @angular/platform-webworker-dynamic
As of Angular version 8, all platform-webworker
APIs are deprecated. This includes both packages: @angular/platform-webworker
and @angular/platform-webworker-dynamic
不再需要 entryComponents
no longer required
定义中的 entryComponents
数组用于告诉编译器将动态创建和插入哪些组件。改用 Ivy 后,将不再需要它们,并且可以从现有模块声明中删除 entryComponents
Previously, the entryComponents
array in the NgModule
definition was used to tell the compiler which components would be created and inserted dynamically. With Ivy, this isn't a requirement anymore and the entryComponents
array can be removed from existing module declarations. The same applies to the ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS
injection token.
不带泛型的 ModuleWithProviders
type without a generic
一些 Angular 库,例如 @angular/router
和 @ngrx/store
,实现了一种返回 ModuleWithProviders
类型的 API(通常借助名为 forRoot()
的方法)。此类型表示 NgModule
以及其它服务提供者。Angular 版本 9 不建议使用不带显式泛型类型的 ModuleWithProviders
,泛型类型是指 NgModule
的类型。在 Angular 的未来版本中,泛型将不再是可选的。
Some Angular libraries, such as @angular/router
and @ngrx/store
, implement APIs that return a type called ModuleWithProviders
(typically via a method named forRoot()
). This type represents an NgModule
along with additional providers. Angular version 9 deprecates use of ModuleWithProviders
without an explicitly generic type, where the generic type refers to the type of the NgModule
. In a future version of Angular, the generic will no longer be optional.
如果你使用的是 CLI,则 ng update
应该会自动迁移代码。如果没有使用 CLI,则可以将任何缺失的泛型类型手动添加到应用程序中。例如:
If you're using the CLI, ng update
should migrate your code automatically. If you're not using the CLI, you can add any missing generic types to your application manually. For example:
export class MyModule {
static forRoot(config: SomeConfig): ModuleWithProviders {
return {
ngModule: SomeModule,
providers: [
{provide: SomeConfig, useValue: config}
export class MyModule {
static forRoot(config: SomeConfig): ModuleWithProviders<SomeModule> {
return {
ngModule: SomeModule,
providers: [
{provide: SomeConfig, useValue: config }
IE 9、10 和 IE 移动版支持
IE 9, 10, and IE mobile support
对 IE 9、10 和 IE 移动版的支持已被弃用。它们都将在以后的版本中删除。支持像这样过时的浏览器会增加打包尺寸,增加代码的复杂性和测试的负担,还需要花费大量的时间和精力来改进框架。例如,修复问题可能会更加困难,因为对于现代浏览器那些直接的修复方式可能会破坏那些没有收到更新的怪异旧版本。
Support for IE 9 and 10 has been deprecated, as well as support for IE Mobile. These will be dropped in a future version. Supporting outdated browsers like these increases bundle size, code complexity, and test load, and also requires time and effort that could be spent on improvements to the framework. For example, fixing issues can be more difficult, as a straightforward fix for modern browsers could break old ones that have quirks due to not receiving updates from vendors.
The final decision was made on three key points:
供应商支持 :微软于 2016 年 1 月 12 日放弃对 IE 9 和 10 的支持,这意味着他们不再提供安全更新或技术支持。另外,微软在 2019 年 12 月放弃了对 Windows 10 移动版的支持。
Vendor support: Microsoft dropped support of IE 9 and 10 on 1/12/16, meaning they no longer provide security updates or technical support. Additionally, Microsoft dropped support for Windows 10 Mobile in December 2019.
用法统计 :我们从不同来源查看了 IE 9 和 10 (和 IE Mobile)的使用趋势,并且都表明其使用率非常小(不足 1%)。
Usage statistics: We looked at usage trends for IE 9 and 10 (as well as IE Mobile) from various sources and all indicated that usage percentages were extremely small (fractions of 1%).
来自合作伙伴的反馈意见 :我们还联系了一些 Angular 的客户,没有人担心放弃 IE 9、10 或 IE Mobile 的支持。
Feedback from partners: We also reached out to some of our Angular customers and none expressed concern about dropping IE 9 and 10, nor IE Mobile support.
的目的是让同一个对象实例被视为不同的对象,以便进行变更检测。比如当 Observable
生成相同实例的时候,它常用于 async
The purpose of WrappedValue
is to allow the same object instance to be treated as different for the purposes of change detection. It is commonly used with the async
pipe in the case where the Observable
produces the same instance of the value.
鉴于此用例相对较少,并且特殊处理会影响应用性能,因此我们已在第 10 版中弃用它。这项弃用并没有提供替代方案。
Given that this use case is relatively rare and special handling impacts application performance, we have deprecated it in v10. No replacement is planned for this deprecation.
If you rely on the behavior that the same object instance should cause change detection, you have two options:
Clone the resulting value so that it has a new identity.
进行强制更新。Explicitly call
to force the update.
弃用的 CLI API 和选项
Deprecated CLI APIs and Options
这部分包含一个当前弃用的 CLI 标志的完整列表。
This section contains a complete list all of the currently deprecated CLI flags.
API/选项 API/Option | 可能删除于 May be removed in | 备注 Notes |
i18nFile | v11 | 在版本 9 及更高版本的项目区域配置中指定。 Specified in the project locale configuration in version 9 and later. |
i18nFormat | v11 | 格式现在是自动检测的。 Format is now automatically detected. |
i18nLocale | v11 | 版本 9 和更高版本中新的本地化选项 。 New localization option in version 9 and later. |
lazyModules | v11 | 与已弃用的 SystemJsNgModuleLoader 配合使用。 Used with deprecated SystemJsNgModuleLoader. |
rebaseRootRelativeCssUrls | v11 | 仅用于帮助解决特定的迁移问题。 Intended only to assist with specific migration issues. |
scripts[].lazy | v11 | 已改名为 Renamed to |
styles[].lazy | v11 | 已改名为 Renamed to |
i18nFormat | v11 | 已改名为 Renamed to |
i18nLocale | v11 | 是项目的源本地环境的冗余项。 Redundant with project’s source locale. |
scripts[].lazy | v11 | 已改名为 Renamed to |
styles[].lazy | v11 | 已改名为 Renamed to |
i18nFile | v11 | 在版本 9 及更高版本的项目本地环境配置中指定。 Specified in the project locale configuration in version 9 and later. |
i18nFormat | v11 | 格式现在是自动检测的。 Format is now automatically detected. |
i18nLocale | v11 | 版本 9 和更高版本中新的本地化选项 。 New localization option in version 9 and later. |
lazyModules | v11 | 与已弃用的 SystemJsNgModuleLoader 配合使用。 Used with deprecated SystemJsNgModuleLoader. |
API/选项 API/Option | 可能删除于 May be removed in | 备注 Notes |
ModuleNotFoundException | v10 | 在项目中没用过。仅与 Tooling API 一起使用。 与 Yarn 的 PnP 不兼容,并且没有用在 Angular CLI 中。使用 Node.js 的require.resolve 。 Not used within projects. Used with Tooling API only. Not Yarn PnP compatible and not used in the Angular CLI. Use Node.js require.resolve. |
resolve | v10 | 在项目中没用过。仅与 Tooling API 一起使用。与 Yarn 的 PnP 不兼容,并且没有用在 Angular CLI 中。使用 Node.js 的 require.resolve 。 Not used within projects. Used with Tooling API only. Not Yarn PnP compatible and not used in the Angular CLI. Use Node.js require.resolve. |
setResolveHook | v10 v10 | 在项目中没用过。仅与 Tooling API 一起使用。与 Yarn 的 PnP 不兼容,并且没有用在 Angular CLI 中。使用 Node.js 的 require.resolve 。 Not used within projects. Used with Tooling API only. Not Yarn PnP compatible and not used in the Angular CLI. Use Node.js require.resolve. |
ResolveOptions | v10 v10 | 在项目中没用过。仅与 Tooling API 一起使用。与 Yarn 的 PnP 不兼容,并且没有用在 Angular CLI 中。使用 Node.js 的 require.resolve 。 Not used within projects. Used with Tooling API only. Not Yarn PnP compatible and not used in the Angular CLI. Use Node.js require.resolve. |
terminal | v10 v10 | 未用过的终端代码实现(颜色)。 Unused implementation of terminal codes (color). |
isObservable | v10 v10 | 在项目中没用过。仅与 Tooling API 一起使用。在 Not used within projects. Used with Tooling API only. Use |
API/选项 API/Option | 可能删除于 May be removed in | 备注 Notes |
discoverLazyRoutes | TBD | 与已弃用的 SystemJsNgModuleLoader 配合使用。 Used with deprecated SystemJsNgModuleLoader. |
additionalLazyModules | TBD | 与已弃用的 SystemJsNgModuleLoader 配合使用。 Used with deprecated SystemJsNgModuleLoader. |
additionalLazyModuleResources | TBD | 与已弃用的 SystemJsNgModuleLoader 配合使用。 Used with deprecated SystemJsNgModuleLoader. |
API/选项 API/Option | 可能删除于 May be removed in | 备注 Notes |
entryComponent | TBD TBD | Ivy 中不再需要了。 No longer needed with Ivy. |
删除的 API
Removed APIs
从 10.0.0 版开始,已经删除了以下 API:
The following APIs have been removed starting with version 10.0.0*:
包 Package | API | 替代品 Replacement | 备注 Notes |
@angular/core | 使用 Angular 特性的不带装饰器的基类 Undecorated base classes that use Angular features | 添加 Angular 装饰器 Add Angular decorator | 详情参阅迁移指南 See migration guide for more info |
@angular/core | 不带泛型的
| 带泛型的
| 详情参阅迁移指南 See migration guide for more info |
@angular/core | 样式的无害化处理 Style Sanitization | 不需要任何动作 no action needed | 详情参阅移除了 样式无害化 API See style sanitization API removal for more info |
要查看版本 9 中移除的 API,请查看版本 9 文档站上本指南。
*To see APIs removed in version 9, check out this guide on the version 9 docs site.
npm 软件包中的 esm5
和 fesm5
and fesm5
code formats in @angular/* npm packages
从 Angular v8 开始,CLI 就主要使用通过 @angular/*
系列 npm 包分发的 fesm2015
变体代码。这就让 esm5
和 fesm5
的发行版变得过时和不必要,只会增加软件包大小并拖累 npm 的安装速度。
As of Angular v8, the CLI primarily consumes the fesm2015
variant of the code distributed via @angular/*
npm packages. This renders the esm5
and fesm5
distributions obsolete and unnecessary, adding bloat to the package size and slowing down npm installations.
移除它们不会对 CLI 用户产生任何影响,除非他们修改了自己的构建配置以显式使用代码的这些发行版。
This removal has no impact on CLI users, unless they modified their build configuration to explicitly consume these code distributions.
任何仍依赖 esm5
和 fesm5
作为其构建系统输入的应用程序都需要确保构建管道能够接受符合 ECMAScript 2015(ES2015) 语言规范的 JavaScript 代码。
Any application still relying on the esm5
and fesm5
as the input to its build system will need to ensure that the build pipeline is capable of accepting JavaScript code conforming to ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015) language specification.
请注意,此更改不会使以这种格式分发的现有库与 Angular CLI 不兼容。如果其它发行版不可用,CLI 将回退并以不太理想的格式使用库。但是,我们确实建议库以 ES2015 格式发布其代码,以加快构建速度并减小构建输出。
Note that this change doesn't make existing libraries distributed in this format incompatible with the Angular CLI. The CLI will fall back and consume libraries in less desirable formats if others are not available. However, we do recommend that libraries ship their code in ES2015 format in order to make builds faster and build output smaller.
实际上,所有 @angular
软件包的 package.json
In practical terms, the package.json
of all @angular
packages has changed in the following way:
"name": "@angular/core",
"version": "9.0.0",
"main": "./bundles/core.umd.js",
"module": "./fesm5/core.js",
"es2015": "./fesm2015/core.js",
"esm5": "./esm5/core.js",
"esm2015": "./esm2015/core.js",
"fesm5": "./fesm5/core.js",
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/core.js",
"name": "@angular/core",
"version": "10.0.0",
"main": "./bundles/core.umd.js",
"module": "./fesm2015/core.js",
"es2015": "./fesm2015/core.js",
"esm2015": "./esm2015/core.js",
"fesm2015": "./fesm2015/core.js",
关于 npm 软件包格式的更多信息,请参见 Angular 软件包格式规范。
For more information about the npm package format, see the Angular Package Format spec.
删除的 API
Removed APIs
从 10.0.0 版开始,已经删除了以下 API:
The following APIs have been removed starting with version 10.0.0*:
包 Package | API | 替代品 Replacement | 备注 Notes |
@angular/core | 使用 Angular 特性的不带装饰器的基类 Undecorated base classes that use Angular features | 添加 Angular 装饰器 Add Angular decorator | 详情参阅迁移指南 See migration guide for more info |
@angular/core | 不带泛型的
| 带泛型的
| 详情参阅迁移指南 See migration guide for more info |
@angular/core | 样式的无害化处理 Style Sanitization | 不需要任何动作 no action needed | 详情参阅移除了 样式无害化 API See style sanitization API removal for more info |
要查看版本 9 中移除的 API,请查看版本 9 文档站上的这份指南。
*To see APIs removed in version 9, check out this guide on the version 9 docs site.
和 [style.prop]
Style Sanitization for [style]
and [style.prop]
Angular 会清理 [style]
和 [style.prop]
绑定,以防止恶意代码通过 CSS url()
条目中的 javascript:
表达式进行插入。但是,大多数现代浏览器都已不再支持这些表达式的使用,所以这种清理只对 IE 6 和 7 才有意义。鉴于 Angular 不支持 IE 6 或 7,并且这种清理有性能代价,因此我们将不再清理 Angular 版本 10 中的样式绑定。
Angular used to sanitize [style]
and [style.prop]
bindings to prevent malicious code from being inserted through javascript:
expressions in CSS url()
entries. However, most modern browsers no longer support the usage of these expressions, so sanitization was only maintained for the sake of IE 6 and 7. Given that Angular does not support either IE 6 or 7 and sanitization has a performance cost, we will no longer sanitize style bindings as of version 10 of Angular.